

OSHA regularly issues citations to employers related to Personal Protective Equipment or PPE. For many years, PPE citations are listed in the OSHA Top 10 due to a lack of compliance not only due to workers not wearing PPE, but also due to a lack of hazard assessments, lack of training and lack of enforcement of PPE policies. The last several years have seen thousands of citations related to eye and face protection, respiratory protection, and hearing protection.


A comprehensive PPE program is essential to comply with OSHA standards. The program starts with a thorough hazard assessment. Employers are responsible for conducting hazard assessments to understand how a job task may affect or injure a worker’s body. After conducting a hazard assessment, the proper PPE can be selected. There are many personal protective equipment types, each with a specific purpose so conducting a thorough hazard assessment is essential for worker protection and compliance with OSHA.


Training on the proper wear and care of PPE is also required by OSHA. Training includes details on PPE use including how to put it on, take it off, wear it properly and keep it clean. Training is an essential part of the PPE program and worker protection.


So why is PPE so important?

1. Protection — PPE protects workers from injuries caused by exposure to hazards which could be chemicals, noise, heat, flying debris, etc. It can also help prevent or reduce the severity of injuries that do occur.

2. Productivity — Wearing PPE helps workers feel safe while performing their tasks, which can lead to increased productivity.

3. Morale – When workers feel confident that they are protected from potential injuries, they are more likely to have a positive attitude and be motivated to do their best work.

4. Compliance — OSHA has specific regulations related to personal protective equipment that must be complied with by employers.

5. Cost savings — Injuries can be costly, both in terms of medical expenses and lost productivity. By preventing injuries, PPE can help save money for employers and workers alike.


The CMI team is well-versed in conducting PPE Hazard Assessments and developing comprehensive PPE programs and trainings. Contact us to meet your personal protective equipment or other safety goals.

Written by, Jennifer Chupalio, Health and Safety Specialist

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